Jumat, 10 Desember 2010

Threat to youth

's population affected by HIV / AIDS in 2020 is estimated to reach 1.9 million people. That figure is impossible not exceeded ... Every single hour, a teenage boy in Indonesia infected with HIV. Similarly, according to data from the National AIDS Commission (NAC). More accurate data show that we in Indonesia is ranked the 3rd world in the number of smokers and the number of teenage smokers no.1 in the world. In a cigarette contains 4000 chemicals of which 200 of them toxic to the body can cause cancer. And even if non-smokers inhaling cigarette smoke or be in the ordinary often used to smoke a big risk of getting cancer.
Many things we have done, a lot of time and billions and even trillions of dollars we spend, we have a lot of slogans kumandangkan, SAY NO TO drugs, or fighting drugs, etc., ... but in reality from time to time the number of smokers, drug users, people with HIV / AIDS is growing with a number of very singnifikan once and it was very tragic mostly children aged 16-29 years we TEENS ... Why this can happen? Is there a perfect solution to solve it?
The condition of our current climate creates a very conducive at all for teens to escape from the realities of life, from despair. They are in a state of STRESS ... 1 in 4 of Indonesia's population suffer from stress which causes mental disorder that can make it go crazy, suicide, killing others, or other options with smoking, free sex, taking drugs to relax the body so as to make him die slowly.
The conditions we create for their own, through our behavior as parents who caused the lack of balance and disharmony in society. As an official we like corruption, as an employer we are too greedy for profit by destroying nature, as a politician are filled with dirty ways to achieve the goal, as a prosecutor / judge we do not have the wisdom and easily bribed, as lawyers we defend anyone in any way by the material obtained, as a contractor we build without taking into account its surrounding environment and so on. This is the main things that damage the harmony and create an imbalance in society, and our children become victims.
Are we going to let this continue? Do we have the heart to sacrifice our children? Or we start now trying to fix this situation. Creating a harmonious and conducive environment for the development of our children's souls are the main things that must be pursued from now on.

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